Robotics Education & Competition Foundation
Inspiring students, one robot at a time.

Official Q&A: VEX V5 Robotics Competition 2024-2025: High Stakes

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2006: Reference Point of Robot with Respect to SG2

Nathanael Oliver (Event Partner)

Specifically the line in <SG2> that says: "Horizontal expansion is measured from the Robot’s perspective;"

What part of the robot is considered the reference point of the robot for taking into consideration when expanding? Is it relative to the wheels? or the back most plate? is it up to the team to tell the head referee in inspection? or is it something else?

To better explain my question this image shows the same expansion relative to the wheels and relative to the back plate. img

Answered by committee

The Robot's horizontal size includes all portions of the Robot, including any non-functional decorations or protruding parts like cables or zip ties. All measurements and size checks must include all parts of the Robot. Your green-highlighted examples would match the intent of rule <SG2>.