While match loading, a team contacts a triball in the possession of their robot (let's call this triball P) with a triball that they are holding and attempting to match load (let's call this triball H). Considering <SG6>, <S1>, <G9>, and/or <G17>, which violations (if any) should the referee rule in the following situations:
- Triball P is currently being launched out of the robot by a mechanism and hits triball H. Triball H:
a) stays in the students hands
b) lands in the opposing alliances offensive zone
c) lands in the teams offensive zone
d) lands in the teams match load zone
e) leaves the students hand and goes out of the field
- Triball P is currently being launched out of the robot by a mechanism and hits triball H. Triball H falls into the field and the student instinctively or on purpose picks up the ball and uses it as the next matchload:
a) from the teams matchload zone
b) from the opposing alliances offensive zone
- Triball P is only briefly touched by triball H. Triball P remains possessed by the robot and:
a) does not move at all/significantly
b) moves within the robot i.e from the catapult to the intake
- Triball P is knocked off the robot with triball H so that it is no longer possessed
Also, should any of the triballs in the above scenarios be considered 'out of the field' and placed into the match load zone by the head referee?
Matthew and Kieran UK refs