Rule <SG6> states that you can introduce a match load "b. By placing the Match Load gently onto a Robot from the Drive Team Member’s Alliance. 1. The Robot must be contacting the Match Load Zone or the Match Load Bar. 2. Momentarily / accidentally losing contact with the Match Load Zone or Match Load Bar is permissible, provided that the Robot is still “breaking the plane” of the inside edge of the Match Load Bar. See Figure 28. 3. Rules <S1> and <S3> still apply to this interaction; there should be no reason for a Robot to extend outside of the field perimeter during this action."
Assuming that illegal matchloading refers to dropping a triball onto a robot or onto the field tiles around the robot, what would be the penalty for the following scenarios:
- Blue Robot illegally matchloads 4 triballs and proceeds to win the game by 100 points.
- Blue Robot illegally matchloads 4 triballs and proceeds to win the game by 20 points.
- Blue Robot illegally matchloads 4 triballs and proceeds to win the game by 8 points.
- Blue Robot illegally matchloads 4 triballs and proceeds to tie the game.
The intent of asking about the scenarios above is to determine the threshold for when an alliance should get disqualified for match affecting illegal matchloading.
Thank you!