I am currently referencing the Legal Pneumatics part index for this season: https://kb.vex.com/hc/en-us/articles/17984679227156-Legal-Pneumatics-for-Use-in-the-VEX-Robotics-Competition-VRC-#legacy-parts-and-their-smc-equivalents-pre-2023--4xXNv
For the connectors to the cylinders, I see two part numbers here: KJL04-M3 and KJS04-M3. When viewing both SMC product pages for these products, both say they are discontinued: https://www.smcpneumatics.com/KJS04-M3.html and https://www.smcpneumatics.com/KJL04-M3.html.
They mention these replacement products: https://www.smcpneumatics.com/KQ2L04-M3G.html and https://www.smcpneumatics.com/KQ2S04-M3G.html, the latter of which is already a legal product.
As such, would it be legal to use the other replacement product, KQ2L04-M3G?
Similarly, as those are the replacement products for use with the solenoid valves, would the use of elbow connectors also be legal for use with the pneumatic cylinders, such as KQ2L04-M5A?