Game Manual Version 0.2 Released June 13, 2023 shows the portable field as being setup with the Blue Elevation Bar connected to 0° location which is on wall segment 11~12 on pages A5, A6, & A7.
Step 101 of the digital online portable field setup instructions depicts the Red Elevation Bar as being attached to wall segment 5~ 6 while the Blue Elevation Bar is attached to wall segment 11~12
The VRC Over Under | Field Tour | VEX Robotics video at 8:33 states that the Blue Elevation Bar should be connected to wall segment 5~6 which is labeled as 180°
Based on the above information is the correct Blue Elevation Bar location Wall Segment 11~12 (0° location) as stated in the Game Manual and Online Build Instruction? If so, can a note be added to the Field Tour YouTube video to note the proper location so that teams using the GPS sensor do not run into issues with their programming.