Robotics Education & Competition Foundation
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Official Q&A: VRC 2023-2024: Over Under

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1544: <G9> Pushing a Robot Before Drive Team Can Touch

Dale Nacianceno

<G9> Hands out of the field. Drive Team Members are prohibited from making intentional contact with any Triballs, Field Elements, or Robots during a Match, apart from the contact specified in <G9a>.

a. During the Driver Controlled Period, Drive Team Members may only touch their own Robot if the Robot has not moved at all during the Match. Touching the Robot in this case is permitted only for the following reasons:

i. Turning the Robot on or off.

ii. Plugging in a battery.

iii. Plugging in a V5 Robot Radio.

iv. Touching the V5 Robot Brain screen, such as to start a program.

b. Drive Team Members are not permitted to break the plane of the field perimeter at any time during the Match, apart from the actions described in <G9a>, <SG3>, and <SG6>.

c. Transitive contact, such as contact with the field perimeter that causes the field perimeter to contact Field Elements or Triballs inside of the field, could be considered a Violation of this rule.

QA 1524:

Yes, if a Drive Team Member needs to interact with a Robot that has not moved during the Match (as described in Clause A of rule <G9>), one person may notify the Head Referee and leave the Alliance Station during the Driver Controlled Period.

<G1> Treat everyone with respect. All Teams are expected to conduct themselves in a respectful and professional manner while competing in VEX Robotics Competition events. If a Team or any of its members (Students or any Adults associated with the Team) are disrespectful or uncivil to event staff, volunteers, or fellow competitors, they may be Disqualified from a current or upcoming Match.

<S1> Be safe out there. If at any time the Robot operation or Team actions are deemed unsafe or have damaged a Field Element or Triball, the offending Team may receive a Disablement and/or Disqualification at the discretion of the Head Referee. The Robot will require re-inspection as described in rule <R3> before it may take the field again.


The Autonomous Period of a Match just ended. The Drive Team Members associated with a Red Robot forgets to turn it on. Since the Drive Team cannot reach it from their Driver Station, they notify the Head Referee that they will leave the Alliance Station at the start of the Driver Controlled Period. The Blue Drive Team notices this, and plans on driving straight into the Red Robot the moment the Driver Controlled Period starts.

  1. Does Blue Team’s plan automatically break <S1> and/or <G1>?
  2. If the answer to #1 is no, is an <S1> Violation handed to whomever loses the race to the Robot?
Answered by committee

It is impossible to issue a blanket answer beyond what is written in the Game Manual that encompasses all possible hypothetical scenarios. In cases where the actions of a Drive Team Member or Robot may be unsafe or disrespectful, the Head Referee should issue a violation of <S1> and/or <G1> at their discretion.