<SG7> says, "Possession is limited to three (3) Discs. Robots may not have greater-than-momentary Possession of more than three (3) Discs at once. Robots in Violation of this rule must immediately stop all Robot actions except for attempting to remove the excess Disc(s). A Robot that is in Violation of rule <SG7> and cannot rectify the Violation cannot participate in further gameplay and will not receive points for tiles Covered in the Endgame."
In the definition of Skills Stop Time says "The moment when the Match ends early is defined as the moment when the Robot is “disabled” by the field control system. See the “Skills Stop Time” section for more details."
<RSC7> says, "In Robot Skills Matches, the Endgame period may begin early without penalty if a Robot violates <SG4> or <SG5> prior to the last 10 seconds of the Match."
Scenario and question 1: A robot is doing a programming skills run. They suddenly realize that their robot is going to pick up a 4 disc. They yell "Stop", but it takes the skills ref a short time to disable the robot. In that time, the robot picks up a 4th and 5th disc, thus ending with more than three discs. They do not score with the discs. Does their endgame count.
Scenario and question 2: In the same vain, a team is doing a programming skills run. Their robot picks up a fourth disc, so they yell "stop!". But the disc shots and scores in the time it takes the ref to press the button and disable the robot. Should the programming run be disqualified and receive a score of 0?
Scenario and question 3: Really this is the same question, but during a programming skills run, a robot gets a disc shoved into their intake right as they are trying to turn the roller. They immediately yell stop, but the roller gets turned and is scored by the time the ref has time to disable the run. Should the run be disqualified and receive a score of 0?
Question 4: Do the answers to questions 1 through 3 change whether or not the team has informed the ref or TM operator that they are going to call a stop time?