Robotics Education & Competition Foundation
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Official Q&A: VRC 2022-2023: Spin Up

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1454: <SC1> Deploying after Match Ends While Another Robot is Moving


<SC1> All Scoring statuses are evaluated immediately after the Match ends. For determination of the Autonomous Bonus and Autonomous Win Point, all Scoring statuses are evaluated immediately after the Autonomous Period ends, unless otherwise noted.

a. For the purposes of this rule, “immediately after” means when all Discs, Field Elements, and Robots on the field come to rest.

Quotation from Q&A 1214:

However, if the last two Discs were instead launched (for example) by a rubber-band mechanism triggered by an action that occurred after the end-of-match buzzer began, they would not be considered Scored. Ultimately, the Head Referee must make a call on whether they believe Discs should be considered scored based on both how and when they were launched by the Robot.


A Head-to-Head Match just ended. Robot 1 has a flywheel that continued spinning for 15 seconds after the end-of-match buzzer began. Robot 2 has a pneumatic system to launch string as an Endgame mechanism. In this particular Match, their pneumatic system was delayed and shot 8 seconds after the end-of-match buzzer began. The Head Referee has determined that the string was launched by a mechanism triggered by an action that occurred after the end-of-match buzzer began.

Since Robot 1's flywheel was still spinning, should Robot 2's string count towards Covered tiles?

Answered by committee

We encourage you to review our response to Q&A 1436, which addresses the concept of "when a Match ends." Intentionally exploiting the post-Match "wind-down time" as described in your question carries a significant <S1>/<S2> risk and should not be attempted in a Match.