R7e allows for the use of non-elastic rope/string measuring 1/8-1/4 at it's thinnest point, would this include the use of wire rope as seen in the link below. If it does, is it permissible to used the loop crimped connectors to fasten the rope to the robot?
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Official Q&A: VRC 2022-2023: Spin Up
1423: <R7e> concerning metal rope
Answered by committee
As described in Q&A 1117 and rule <R3f>, the final determination of whether a specific material can be used on a Robot will be made by the Head Referee.
Depending on its use on the Robot, and on the Head Referee's discretion, the metal rope you've linked may be legal for use on VRC Robots. The crimped connectors are not legal for use on VRC Robots. Q&A 1140 addresses a related topic, and ruled that ferrules are not legal for use with steel ropes.