Robotics Education & Competition Foundation
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Official Q&A: VRC 2022-2023: Spin Up

Usage Guidelines All Questions

1335: Versa Hub Adapters

John Risk (Event Partner)


Under rule R6 it states that no VEX Pro parts are to be used. I am asking about Versa Hub Adapters that teams are using Part 217-8079 and 217-2592. They pull up as pro parts on VEX website. I also found the Vex library article that says they are legal. Here is that link: The section I found it on is the parts substitution. I am hosting a tournament tomorrow and the question is: Are the versa hub adapters listed above legal for VRC game play? Thank you for your time.

Answered by committee

Thank you for your question, and for pointing out this omission. The following VEX VersaHub product listings are legal for use in the VRC competition, as included on this page of the VEX website:

  • 1.125” Bearing Bore Plastic VersaHub Spacer (1/2” Wide); SKU#: 217-2591
  • 1/2” Hex Bore Aluminum VersaHub; SKU#: 217-2592
  • 1.125" Bearing Pilot Plastic VersaHub (1/4" Wide, w/ Plate Sprocket Mount); SKU#: 217-3234 (Discontinued)
  • 1/2” Hex Bore Plastic VersaHub; SKU#: 217-4009 (Discontinued)
  • 1/2” Hex Bore Plastic VersaHub v2; SKU#: 217-8079

Rule <R6> will be revised to reflect this in the next Game Manual update.