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Official Q&A: VRC 2022-2023: Spin Up

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1324: SG4 - Further Clarification on Endgame Expansion outside of field

Peter Erbland (Event Partner)

During Endgame, a robot shoots an object on a string outside the field. It is legally expanding during Endgame, but obviously that team is disqualified,. The question that came up this weekend is: do their covered tiles count toward the alliance’s total score?

<SG4> … A Robot that expands early in a head-to-head Match and cannot rectify the Violation cannot participate in further gameplay and will not receive points for tiles Covered in the Endgame. There are no horizontal expansion limits during the Endgame. However, any Robot that comes in contact with anything outside of the field during the Endgame period or due to an early expansion, including the floor or the outside face of the Field Perimeter, will automatically receive a Disqualification for that Match under rule <S2>.

<S2> Stay inside the field. If a Robot is completely out-of-bounds (outside the playing field), it will be Disabled for the remainder of the Match. If a Robot comes in contact with anything outside of the field during the Endgame period or due to an early expansion, including the floor or the outside face of the Field Perimeter, it will automatically receive a Disqualification for that Match.

<SC5> A field tile is considered Covered if it is being contacted by a Robot at the end of a Match. ... b. Each Alliance may only receive points for one Cover per field tile, regardless of how many of their Robots are contacting that field tile.

However, the disqualification occurs after the end of the match, not during the match.

<SC1> All Scoring statuses are evaluated immediately after the Match ends. For determination of the Autonomous Bonus and Autonomous Win Point, all Scoring statuses are evaluated immediately after the Autonomous Period ends, unless otherwise noted.

a. For the purposes of this rule, “immediately after” means when all Discs, Field Elements, and Robots on the field come to rest.

Both Q&A 1181 and 1225 focus on pre-Endgame expansion and are also silent on this specific scenario.

Given that the expansion occurred during Endgame, covered tiles are by alliance, not individual robot and that the DQ occurs after all objects have come to rest, it seems as though tiles covered by the robot that shot the object out of the field should benefit that alliance.<SC5><SC4>

Answered by committee

During Endgame, a robot shoots an object on a string outside the field. It is legally expanding during Endgame, but obviously that team is disqualified,. The question that came up this weekend is: do their covered tiles count toward the alliance’s total score?

The only rules that affect an Alliance’s score for tiles Covered during the Spin Up Endgame are <SG4> and <SG7>, which both specify that an un-remedied Violation negates Covered tiles.

If a Robot expands outside of the field during Endgame but is not in Violation of <SG4> or <SG7>, the Team should be issued an <S2> Violation and Disqualification. All tiles Covered by the Disqualified Robot should still be scored for their Alliance.