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Official Q&A: VRC 2022-2023: Spin Up

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1321: Knocking Discs out of High Goal by Hitting Field Perimeter

Jess Zarchi


Q&A 1160 says it's illegal to use Discs to cause other Discs to fall out of the opponents High Goal.

As robots are getting better and better, goals are getting more and more full. We've noticed if a goal is filled in a precarious way, hitting the field perimeter causes the Discs to fall out of the High Goal. Is this a legal strategy?

Thank you for your time!

Answered by committee

Thank you for your question! There is nothing in the Spin Up Game Manual that prohibits the strategy you've described. However, Teams should ensure that their Robot's actions do not cause damage to any Field Element as described in rule <S1>, including the Field Perimeter, Net, Net Assembly, and High Goal structure.