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Official Q&A: VRC 2022-2023: Spin Up

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1318: Low Goal Barrier Tolerances


<T25> Be prepared for minor field variance. Field Element tolerances may vary from nominal by ±1.0” <T25>

With normal game play, the low goal barriers will move either 1) shifting on the field tiles more than 1" or 2) a disc is underneath them popping the corner of the low goal up by more than 1"

Do these warrant replays due to the field being out of tolerance?

Answered by committee

The problems you've described are both solved by adding a small circle base plate to the center hole of each Barrier. Full details of this modification can be found in the list of permitted Field modifications at the end of Appendix A of the Spin Up Game Manual.

This modification is recommended for all Spin Up Fields. Barriers that shift as described in your question are expected on unmodified Fields, and do not warrant replays. The Head Referee should verbally caution Teams whose actions seem likely to damage Field Elements on an unmodified Spin Up Field to help prevent <S1> Violations.

As described in Appendix A, if you do not have leftover circle base plates from a previous VRC season, you can contact VEX Support for assistance.