Robotics Education & Competition Foundation
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1298: Q and A 1275 clarification


I apologize in advance for the quantity of questions, but I believe that all questions asked in this Q and A are important clarification questions.

in Q and A #1275, it was stated that

it has come to our attention that the standard metric equivalent of 1/8" string is 3mm rather than the 3.175mm specified in the November 1 Game Manual update. The next Game Manual update will be updated to indicate that the minimum dimension of string is 1/8" / 3mm.

  1. Due to competitions in my state using digital calipers to measure string diameter, the difference of 0.175 mm can be a big difference, and for clarification, under this ruling string we were going to use in a competition just last Saturday which was 3 mm and not 1/8" would have been legal? or because it is under 1/8" would it be considered illegal?

it was also stated that (emphasis mine)

Using unbraided string is permissible, as long as the resulting thinner string used on the Robot has a minimum diameter of 1/8"/3mm. For example, unbraiding a legal 1/8" string to create smaller strings will result in multiple illegal strings that cannot be used on VRC Robots.

which seems to directly contradict the ruling that

(braiding string) would only be legal if each of the thinner strings also had a minimum diameter of 1/8"/3mm before being braided, and if the final braid is not wider than 1/4" in any direction.

  1. the first quote states that there is legal 1/8'' string that is braided, whereas the second quote states that braided string must be made with string thicker than 1/8". is the difference in who braided the string?

if so:

a) how should inspectors be able to tell if the string was braided by the student vs. the manufacturer when there are many different machines students can have access to that can braid the string almost as efficiently as the manufacturer would? (i know that "it is outside the scope of this Q&A system to provide detailed explanations of the nuances and human judgments involved in the inspection process.", but I believe if this is the correct interpretation of the rule, this point must have been considered when making the original decision and your answer can help clarify the extent of this rule)

b) would it be then be illegal to unbraid legal string than rebraid the string?

if not:

a) what is the difference/ where is the line drawn between legal and illegal braided string?

  1. according to the ruling "(braiding string) would only be legal if each of the thinner strings also had a minimum diameter of 1/8"/3mm before being braided, and if the final braid is not wider than 1/4" in any direction.", what is to be considered "braiding"? would connecting multiple lengths of string together (so that they run parallel to each other) with zipties or other means of connection be considered braiding as it serves the same functional purpose that braiding would thus making any string connected this way to be treated as one string? would tying a knot at the end of the rope or knots throughout the rope be considered "braiding"?

Thank you for your time,

Team 7996B

Answered by committee

The answer to Q&A 1275 has been updated to clarify the difference between "braided string" and "manufactured multi-strand string." We believe this addresses all of the questions in your post. If it does not, please feel free to rephrase and resubmit.