Robotics Education & Competition Foundation
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Official Q&A: VRC 2022-2023: Spin Up

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1224: At what point is a score final


I want clarification on when the score is final. We were at an event last year, and after the match ended, the scorekeepers went to each team, and the teams agreed on the match's score. After the groups had agreed on the score, the head referee gave the signal, and the MC announced and posted the score. At this point, the field was reset, and teams were getting ready for the final; one referee felt an error had occurred and decided the score needed to be edited. After an hour of back and forth, the losing team was awarded some points, turning them into the winning team. At what point is a score final, especially since we do not have video replays?

Answered by committee

We were at an event last year, and after the match ended, the scorekeepers went to each team, and the teams agreed on the match's score ... the field was reset, ... one referee felt an error had occurred and decided the score needed to be edited. After an hour of back and forth, the losing team was awarded some points, turning them into the winning team. At what point is a score final, especially since we do not have video replays?

Thank you for your question When the Scorekeeper Referees show the Teams the score for a Match, and the Teams agree to that score, it should be finalized and recorded unless one or more Teams remains in the Alliance Station to appeal a ruling as described in rule <T3>.

Once the score has been recorded, it should only be modified if it is determined that the entered score does not match the agreed-upon score in some way (for example, if the Match was scored on paper and was manually entered into the TM software incorrectly).

In a scenario like the one you've described, the affected Teams should respectfully communicate their concerns to both the Head Referee and the Event Partner.