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Official Q&A: VRC 2022-2023: Spin Up

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1143: <SG8> <SC6> Double autononmous line violation and Autonomous bonus


In <SG8> it states "All Violations of this rule (Major or Minor) will result in the Autonomous Bonus being awarded to the opposing Alliance."

In previous seasons a violation by both alliances resulted in no autonomous bonus and no autonomous points being awarded to either alliance however this is not mentioned in the spin up game manual version 1.0.

My questions are as follows:

  1. What would the result for the autonomous bonus and autonomous points be in the event of independent violations on both alliances. e.g both alliances have a robot drive over the line independently of any interaction with each other

  2. What would the result for the autonomous bonus and autonomous points be in the event of dependent violations e.g two robots becoming entangled and causing both robots to force each other to violate SG8 incidentally.

Answered by committee

Please see rule G11, quoted here for reference:

<G11> All rules still apply in the Autonomous Period. Teams are responsible for the actions of their Robots at all times, including during the Autonomous Period. Any Violations committed during the Autonomous Period that affect the outcome of the Autonomous Bonus - whether they are Match Affecting or not - will result in the Autonomous Bonus being automatically awarded to the opposing Alliance. If both Alliances commit Violations during the Autonomous Period that would have affected the outcome of the Autonomous Bonus, then no Autonomous Bonus will be awarded.

Violation Notes: The intent of this rule is to provide retribution for Violations committed during the Autonomous Period that are not Match Affecting, and therefore not Major Violations, but do affect the outcome of the Autonomous Bonus.

With that in mind..

  1. What would the result for the autonomous bonus and autonomous points be in the event of independent violations on both alliances. e.g both alliances have a robot drive over the line independently of any interaction with each other

Provided that the Head Referee determines that these actions could have affected the outcome of the Autonomous Bonus, this would be an example of the final sentence of G11: "If both Alliances commit Violations during the Autonomous Period that would have affected the outcome of the Autonomous Bonus, then no Autonomous Bonus will be awarded.".

There is no impact on the Autonomous Win Point.

  1. What would the result for the autonomous bonus and autonomous points be in the event of dependent violations e.g two robots becoming entangled and causing both robots to force each other to violate SG8 incidentally.

It is impossible to provide a blanket answer that would encompass all hypothetical robot interactions and scenarios. The specifics of the interaction and greater Match / event context would be taken into consideration, alongside rules G1, G11, G12, G13, and G14, to determine an appropriate outcome.