Robotics Education & Competition Foundation
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Official Q&A: VRC 2022-2023: Spin Up

Usage Guidelines All Questions

1125: Can match loads be used in programming skills?

John Holbrook (Event Partner)

RSC2 states:

The Team may utilize fourteen (14) Match Load Discs, within the guidelines set forth by SG6.

SG6a states:

a. Match Load Discs may only be introduced once the Driver Controlled Period has begun.

i. During the Autonomous Period, and during the time between the Autonomous and Driver Controlled Period, Match Load Discs may not cross the plane of the field perimeter.

"Programming Skills Match" is defined as follows:

Programming Skills Match - A Programming Skills Match consists of a sixty-second (1:00) Autonomous Period. There is no Driver Controlled Period. Teams can elect to end a Programming Skills Match early if they wish to record a Skills Stop Time.

Since a programming skills match consists only of an autonomous period with no driver controlled period, does this mean match load discs cannot be used during a programming skills match?

Answered by committee

RSC2 is intended to override SG6a for both Driving Skills and Programming Skills Matches. Therefore, yes, Teams may utilize Match Load Discs during Programming Skills Matches. We will be sure to clarify this in a future Game Manual update.