In the version 3.0 of the VRC Tipping Point game manual, rule R6b states:
Electronics from the VEX Cortex control system are not permitted. This includes the VEXnet Joystick, VEXnet Partner Joystick, VEX ARM® Cortex-based Microcontroller, VEXnet Key 1.0 and 2.0, 2-Wire Motor 393, and any other electronic components which are not compatible with the VEX V5 system. The Yaw Rate Gyro (276-2333), Analog Accelerometer (276-2332), and LED Indicator (276-2176) are permitted, and may be used through the V5 Robot Brain’s 3-wire ports.
However, in the VRC Spin Up game manual, the last sentence stating...
The Yaw Rate Gyro (276-2333), Analog Accelerometer (276-2332), and LED Indicator (276-2176) are permitted, and may be used through the V5 Robot Brain’s 3-wire ports.
...in rule R6b has been excluded. Is it safe to assume that all of these electronics are no longer legal to use on your robot?
In addition, it is ambiguous as to whether or not it is at all possible to use an LED Indicator as a "non-functional decoration", even if it is powered by an external source (not the V5 Robot Brain), since rule R13c states:
VEX electronics may not be used as non-functional decorations.
Is the LED Indicator considered a VEX electronic that cannot be used as a non-functional decoration in any scenario? To what extent can you utilize them on your robot, if at all?
Thanks in advance for your time.