These are the rules of SG3d: Point “d” applies to Robot actions prior to the last thirty (30) seconds of the Match: d. Placing a Mobile Goal on or under the opposing Alliance’s Platform, at any point during the Match is considered a minor violation of this rule that, at a minimum, will result in a warning. i. If the placement is accidental, and immediately rectified (i.e. the Mobile Goal is immediately removed), then this violation will be considered a warning. ii. If the placement is intentional and / or not immediately rectified, as judged by the Head Referee, then it will be considered a violation. iii. Repeated, strategic, and / or egregious warnings may also escalate to a violation, at the Head Referee’s discretion.
Recently while our teams were practicing a situation occurred where the blue robot accidentally pushed a red mobile goal under the red platform well before the last 30 seconds. The blue robot noticed and attempted to remove the goal. While the blue robot attempted to remove the red mobile goal, the red robot came and pushed the red mobile goal deeper inside the platform. Does this void the responsibility of the blue robot to remove the goal?
This led to a discussion of varying situations that may occur before the 30 second mark. If the blue robot pushed the goal under the red platform, and while trying to remove the goal, another robot removes the goal, does this mean the blue robot could be given a warning or even disqualification? Does it matter if the second robot that removed the goal is of the same(blue) or opposing(red) alliance? If the blue robot pushed the goal under the red platform and did not remove it immediately, but later another robot contacts this goal, is this second robot now also to be given a warning? especially if this second robot is also of the same (blue) alliance? Are these then considered SG3 d iii, strategic warnings?
Another situation that arose during practice, was the red alliance robot with no goals climbed up onto the blue alliance platform and coincidentally, their battery cable got caught and their robot got disabled. SG3 D states, placing a Mobile Goal on the opposing alliance platform. What if a team decides to drive their robot onto the opposing team's platform prior to the last 30 seconds? Is this allowed, especially if they have no goals on their robot? What if this robot, with no goals, stays on the platform "directly inhibiting their opponents’ ability to utilize the Platform at the end of a Match." Is this a disqualification?
Thank you for taking the time to answer these questions and clarifying these very rare and weird situations.