Robotics Education & Competition Foundation
Inspiring students, one robot at a time.

The Q&A is closed for the 2021-2022 season. Any rule changes or clarifications pertaining to the 2022 VEX Robotics World Championship will be included in the April 5 Game Manual Update. Teams attending VEX Worlds who wish to pre-submit questions for the driver's meeting should have received a contact form via email; if not, please contact your REC Foundation Team Engagement Manager for more information.

Official Q&A: VRC 2021-2022: Tipping Point

Usage Guidelines All Questions

970: SG3-D Scoring Object Under Platform

Jess Zarchi



Point “d” applies to Robot actions prior to the last thirty (30) seconds of the Match:

d. Placing a Scoring Object on or under the opposing Alliance’s Platform, at any point during the Match is considered a minor violation of this rule that, at a minimum, will result in a warning.

i. If the placement is accidental, and immediately rectified (i.e. the Scoring Object is immediately removed), then this violation will be considered a warning.

ii. If the placement is intentional and / or not immediately rectified, as judged by the Head Referee, then it will be considered a violation.

iii. Repeated, strategic, and / or egregious warnings may also escalate to a violation, at the Head Referee’s discretion.

SG3 Note

Note: If point “d” has escalated from a warning into a violation, then it will automatically be considered a violation which has interfered with gameplay, i.e. will result in a Disqualification.

Red Box Example Applications

Attempting to retrieve a Mobile Goal from an opponent’s Platform (prior to the last 30 seconds), losing control, and dropping it back onto / underneath the Platform.

॰ If the Robot is able to immediately regain control and successfully retrieve the Mobile Goal: A warning, per point “d” part “i”

॰ If the Robot is unable to retrieve the Mobile Goal promptly: A violation which does interfere with gameplay, per point “d” part “ii”

Q&A 816

Q. 1) The original scenario made no mention that the object under the Platform caused interference, is the mere presence of an object enough to warrant a violation of SG3 or must the alliance make an attempt to balance the Platform? 2) Just to clarify, Rings are also counted as Scoring Objects for this ruling, correct? With the same question as above, do the Rings need to make contact with the Platform in an attempt to balance it to warrant a DQ, or is their presence enough?

A. Yes, mere presence of an object is enough. Yes, Rings are considered Scoring Objects.

  1. If a Robot accidentally causes a Scoring Object (a ring, or the Branch of a tall Mobile Goal) to go underneath the opponents Platform in a way that never contacts the Platform, doesn't impede gameplay and isn't match affecting, and the Robot never attempts to remove the Scoring Object, is this a violation of SG3-D-ii? If yes, is this considered a "warning that has escalated to a violation"?

  2. Are all violations of SG3-D-ii / iii considered a warning that has escalated into a violation, and now considered a violation that has impeded gameplay?

Thank you for your time!

Answered by committee

Before answering your specific questions - the originally published v2.2 release of the Game Manual included an error in the revised verbiage of SG3-d. SG3-d should only apply to Mobile Goals, not Rings. This clarification will be re-released shortly, and the answer to Q&A 816 revised accordingly.

With this in mind...

If a Robot accidentally causes a Scoring Object (a ring, or the Branch of a tall Mobile Goal) to go underneath the opponents Platform in a way that never contacts the Platform, doesn't impede gameplay and isn't match affecting, is this a violation of SG3-D-ii?

Yes, the Branch of a tall Mobile Goal is considered part of that Mobile Goal, and will be considered a violation. If this occurs, the Head Referee should issue a verbal warning and the Team in question should immediately remove the Mobile Goal, per part "i".

Placing a Ring on or under an opponent's Platform is not considered a violation, as long as no other rules are violated in the process.

Are all violations of SG3-D-ii / iii considered a warning that has escalated into a violation, and now considered a violation that has impeded gameplay?

Yes, as stated in the Note of SG3:

Note: If point “d” has escalated from a warning into a violation, then it will automatically be considered a violation which has interfered with gameplay, i.e. will result in a Disqualification.

It is at the Head Referee's discretion as to when the infraction escalates from a warning into a violation, i.e., whether the Team in question has immediately acted to remove the Mobile Goal.