Based on the v2.2 version of the rules. There have been some similar questions asked and answered, but I haven't seen this specific one covered yet. Quoting of definitions and scoring rules, with bolding added for emphasis by myself. My question follows at the end.
Cleared - An Alliance Mobile Goal state. An Alliance Mobile Goal is considered “Cleared” if, at the end of the Autonomous Period, it is not contacting its AWP Line or the Neutral Zone. See the Scoring Section for more details.
Neutral Zone - The area of the field in which all three Neutral Mobile Goals begin. See rule SG5.
- • The Neutral Zone is bounded by the inner edges of the playing field walls, and the single tape lines which run the length of the field.
- • The Neutral Zone is defined as the gray foam tiles themselves; it is not a 3-dimensional volume.
Table 3 - Autonomous Period scoring (p16) An Autonomous Win Point is awarded to any Alliance that has Cleared their AWP Line, and Scored at least one Ring on or in each Alliance Mobile Goal, at the end of the Autonomous Period.
Scoring Notes (p19) 3. A Mobile Goal is considered Scored in an Alliance Home Zone if, at the end of the Match, any part of the Mobile Goal Base is at least partially within the Alliance Home Zone (i.e. “breaking the plane” of the Zone).
It's already been asked and answered that if a robot lifts the alliance goal off of the foam tiles, this counts a "Cleared" since it is no longer contacting the autonomous win line white tape on the foam tile. My question relates to the definition of Cleared and how it relates to 'contacting' the Neutral Zone.
Question: If during the autonomous period, a robot lifts the alliance goal that is sitting on the AWL and then ends the autonomous period with the alliance goal fully in the Neutral Zone (but the alliance goal is not 'contacting' the Neutral Zone) is this goal considered "Cleared"?
Follow up: Does the alliance goal have to be considered "Scored" for that home alliance to be considered "Cleared"? IE does "Breaking the Plane" of the alliance home zone come into play at all?
Thank you in advance for your time and any response.