In SG3 it states that:
"Violations of this rule which do not interfere with gameplay, such as bumping into the Platform and then driving away, will result in the opposing Alliance receiving credit for one additional Elevated Robot at the end of the Match. (Alliances may still only receive points for a maximum of two Elevated Robots)."
"Violations of this rule which do interfere with gameplay, such as preventing a Platform from becoming Balanced, will result in a Disqualification, regardless of whether the interference was Match Affecting or not."
If my robot were to descore a elevated mobile goal from the opposing alliance's balanced platform, their platform stays balanced, and score the mobile goal on my own platform, would this be considered interference of gameplay or only an incidental contact? Would this also changed based on the mobile goal that is being grabbed (Like if I am grabbing my own alliance goal or a neutral goal)?