Platforms are “safe” during the endgame. During the last thirty (30) seconds, Robots may not contact the opposing Alliance’s Platform.
a. For the purposes of this rule, contact is considered “transitive” through other Robots and Scoring Objects. For example, contacting an opposing Robot who is contacting their own Platform would be considered a violation of this rule.
b. For the purposes of this rule, <G13> supersedes rule <G14>. Any Robot which is contacting its own Platform during the last thirty (30) seconds, provided that no other rules are being violated, will automatically receive the “benefit of the doubt”. Therefore, any contact with this Robot will be considered a violation, regardless of intent.
c. Per <SG10>, using a Scoring Object to contact the opposing Alliance’s Platform during the last thirty (30) seconds would be considered a violation of this rule. Placing a Scoring Object underneath the opposing Alliance’s Platform, such that it inhibits the opposing Alliance’s ability to utilize the Platform during the last thirty (30) seconds, would also be considered a violation of this rule.
Robot 1&2 - Red
Robot 3&4 - Blue
Robot 1 becomes disabled due to a battery unplugging and cannot move. Robot 3 or 4 pushes robot 1 so they are underneath the platform while the platform is unbalanced, and makes no attempt to move them. Robot 2 platforms, and meets all definitions of Elevated except for the Platform contacting Robot 1.
Is this a violation of SG3 A regardless of intention?
Thank you for your time!