In this recent Q&A it was clarified that the placing of any object under an opponent's Platform at any point in the match would result in a DQ if that object remained there in the last 30 seconds.
I have a couple of queries about this aspect. I know it's expected that multiple questions be asked in multiple Q&As, but these are all closely related so I hope this is okay!
The original scenario made no mention that the object under the Platform caused interference, is the mere presence of an object enough to warrant a violation of SG3 or must the alliance make an attempt to balance the Platform?
Just to clarify, Rings are also counted as Scoring Objects for this ruling, correct? With the same question as above, do the Rings need to make contact with the Platform in an attempt to balance it to warrant a DQ, or is their presence enough?
I note that "intent" is not part of any SG3 ruling, can you confirm that accidentally causing a Scoring Object to roll underneath the opposition Platform would be a violation of SG3 if it remains there in the last 30 seconds.
I assume that if a team was to accidentally cause a Scoring Object to end up underneath the opposition Platform, if they were able to remove this before the last 30 seconds there would be no risk of an SG3 violation. What would occur in the case where one of the opposition robots were blocking access to this Scoring Object in order to ensure a win by DQ? For example, a red robot accidentally rolls a mobile goal underneath the blue Platform before the last 30 seconds. The red robot then tries to remove this goal but the blue robot blocks them from achieving this, knowing that if that object remains there then they will win by DQ. In the last 30 seconds, blue then tries to balance the Platform resulting in interference from the original object and a DQ for red. Is this correct?
Thanks a lot!