<SG2> Robot expansion is limited once the Match begins. Per <G4>, at the beginning of a Match, each Robot must be smaller than a volume of 18” (457.2 mm) long by 18” (457.2 mm) wide by 18” (457.2 mm) tall. Once the Match begins, Robots may expand, but no horizontal dimension can exceed 36” (914.4 mm) at any point during the Match. See Figure 22. Minor violations of this rule that do not affect or interfere with the Match will result in a warning. Match Affecting offenses will result in a Disqualification. Teams that receive multiple warnings may also receive a Disqualification at the Head Referee’s discretion.
<SG10> Use Scoring Objects to play the game. Scoring Objects may not be used to accomplish actions that would be otherwise illegal if they were attempted by Robot mechanisms (e.g., Interfering with an opponent’s Autonomous routine per <SG4>.) The intent of this rule is to prohibit teams from using game objects as “gloves” to loophole any rule that states “a Robot may not [do some action]”. This rule is not intended to be taken in its most extreme literal interpretation, where any interaction between a Scoring Object and a Robot needs to be scrutinized with the same intensity as if it were a Robot.
If a robot wants to play defense(trapping an opponent in this case), and the robot + mobile goal it possesses is greater than 36", is the robot obligated to drop the mobile goals it possesses such that robot+ mobile goal is under 36 inch before it attempts to trap any opponent robot? Would attempting to trap an opponent robot when its robot+ mobile goal size is greater than 36 automatically be considered an violation of SG2 and SG10? If not, under what conditions would SG2 and SG10 apply for trapping since it would be very hard to determine whether the additional length the robot has would have been match affecting (how can we determine whether the robot being trapped could have escaped if the trapping robot is few inches shorter)?