Yes, this is legal.
In general, any time significant modifications are made to a Robot other than simple repairs, it is a good practice to re-inspect, per R2, quoted below with a portion bolded for emphasis:
<R2> Robots must pass inspection. Every Robot will be required to pass a full inspection before being cleared to compete. This inspection will ensure that all robot rules and regulations are met. Initial inspections will take place during team registration/practice time.
a. Significant changes to a Robot, such as a partial or full swap of Subsystem 3, must be re-inspected before the Robot may compete again.
b. All possible functional Robot configurations must be inspected before being used in competition.
c. Teams may be requested to submit to random spot-inspections by event personnel. Refusal to submit will result in Disqualification.
d. Robots which have not passed inspection (i.e. who are in violation of one or more Robot rules) will not be permitted to play in any Matches until they have done so. <T2> will apply to any Matches that occur until the Robot has passed inspection.
e. If a Robot has passed inspection, but is later found to be in violation of a Robot rule during a Match, then they will be Disqualified from that Match and <R2d> will apply until the violation is remedied and the Team is re-inspected.