QA 365 asked if both alliance towers may be used. The answer given just repeated the rules. To be more specific, RSC1.c states that robots may utilize either alliance tower. In Tournament Manager, skills scores are allowed to have 7 towers, indicating that both towers were used. Which is the correct interpretation? How many towers are allowed to be utilized by a team during a skills run?
< RSC1 > In Robot Skills Matches, all Goal Zones and Alliance Towers considered to be the same color for the purposes of any Alliance-specific rules or definitions.
a. Robots may start on either side of the field, as long as they fulfill the constraints set forth in <SG1> and <G7> for the chosen Alliance’s side.
b. Robots may Score Cubes in any color of Goal Zone for points.
c. Robots may utilize either Alliance Tower for Placing Cubes.