Robotics Education & Competition Foundation
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Official Q&A: VRC 2018-2019: Turning Point

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78: How many robots can be parked on the center platform?

Jon Kitagawa (Event Partner)

Can multiple robots be parked on the center platform?

Example: A. Two robots of the same alliance fit on the center platform. At the end of the match, both of the robots are fully on the center platform. Are both of these are scored as center parked? B. Two robots of opposing alliances fit on the center platform. At the end of the match, both of the robots are fully on the center platform. Are both of these scored as center parked?

Answered by Game Design Committee

There are no restrictions on the number of Robots that can receive points for being Center Parked.

In both of your examples, both Robots would receive points for being Center Parked.