Hello I am wondering if the following is legal, If one of our teams designs a lever system to tip another robot off of the center platform while the other team is located on the center platform?
Official Q&A: VRC 2018-2019: Turning Point
76: Center Platform Defensive Strategy
It is impossible to issue a blanket ruling on a hypothetical robot design. Please see <R3>, quoted here for reference:
<R3> The following types of mechanisms and components are NOT allowed:
a. Those that could potentially damage playing field components.
b. Those that could potentially damage other competing robots.
c. Those that pose an unnecessary risk of entanglement.
A device that was solely designed to tip over opponent robots would likely be considered a violation of R3b and/or R3c.
It sounds like you're attempting to extend <G12>, which states that incidental tipping on the Center Platform is permitted, to Robot design. It's important to remember that <R3> and <G12> exist independently of each other. Please see the following similar Q&A's for more detail:
As well as the relevant Referee Training video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yl22vJlLF5w