In the new V5 Robot Inspection checklist it specifically calls out <R8g> but the Cortex inspection checklist does not. Should it be considered that Cortex robots can not violate <R8g>
In the V5 checklist, it specifies that the sensor has been calibrated on competition fields - does this imply teams calibrate before inspect? on practice fields? home fields? before each match? If before a match, how much time should be allowed for teams to calibrate? This item does not have a rule associated with it. If we are to consider that the variance of lighting conditions is significant between fields, then it suggests this should be before each match and a <G> rule should be associated with it. V5 is all new to us, so <G2> is not there yet :)
In V5 check list it is implied that teams are allowed one controller - yet for Cortex two... <R15> does not make distinction between the two systems with regards to number of controllers.
I would recommend that the V5 inspection checklist be sorted in numerical order consistent with cortex, and that a single document (two sided) be provided so that the inspectors only need to pull one sheet and fill out accord to system.
thanks for the getting out the V5 checklist: