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Official Q&A: VRC 2018-2019: Turning Point

Usage Guidelines All Questions

63: Center Platform Autonomous Scoring


Does a team get points for autonomous if they part on the center platform?

Answered by Game Design Committee

Please review the Q&A Usage Guidelines, specifically point 1, "Read and search the Game Manual before posting".

This question is answered in a few places. In the Definitions section:

Autonomous Bonus - A point bonus awarded to the Alliance that has earned the most Cap, Flag, and Alliance Parking points at the end of the Autonomous Period.

Note that "Center Parking" points are not included in the Autonomous Bonus.

In the Scoring section:

Autonomous Period Scoring:

• A Toggled High Flag is worth two (2) points.

• A Toggled Low Flag is worth one (1) point.

• A High Scored Cap is worth two (2) points.

• A Low Scored Cap is worth one (1) point.

• A Robot which is Alliance Parked earns three (3) points.

• An Alliance that wins the Autonomous Bonus earns four (4) points.

Note that no points are listed here for Center Parking.

In rule <SG3>:

<SG3> Stay on your side in Autonomous. During the Autonomous Period, Robots may not do any of the following:

  1. Contact the foam tiles on the opposing Alliance’s side of the Autonomous Line.
  2. Contact the opposing Alliance Platform.
  3. Become Center Parked.