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Official Q&A: VRC 2018-2019: Turning Point

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5: Pneumatics for VEX-U robots


From the VEX-U appendix,

<VUR5> There is no restriction on the number of V5 Smart Motors that Robots may use. No other motors, servos, or actuators are permitted, including those sold by VEX (e.g. the 2-Wire 393 Motor).

Is the term "actuator" referring also to pneumatic cylinders (often called actuators in industry), meaning that VEX-U is not permitted to use a pneumatic system this season? Or is VEX-U permitted to use pneumatics as in past years: 2 air tanks at 100 psi and unlimited number of air cylinders?

Answered by Game Design Committee

Yes, VEX U teams are still permitted to use pneumatic systems. This will be clarified in the June 15th Game Manual update.