VUR9 states: “Teams must display their team identification letters (e.g. “IFI”, “ABCD”) in two visible locations on opposing sides of the Robot. The team identification letters in total must be legible to head referees or other participants, at least 2” high and 3” wide. The identification must also clearly display which alliance color the Robots belong to in that Match (i.e. red or blue).”
The rule specifically states “The team identification letters in total must be legible to head referees or other participants, at least 2” high and 3” wide.” However, on a standard VRC License Plate Kit, the identification letters are not 2” high. The identification letters are also less than 3” wide unless the name is 5 characters long.
Image showing size of identification letters.
Under this rule, are the VRC license plate identification letters illegal in VEX U?