If in the elimination matches, in the act of scoring a cap on a pole, the cap leaves the field either due to defense or driver error, should that result in a disqualification for the robot attempting to score the cap? At a recent local tournament, the rules were set in such a way that if you had dropped a cap off the field at any point during the qualifier matches and then dropped a cap during the eliminations, you would be instantly disqualified regardless of if the offense was match affecting or not. Is this a proper interpretation of the rule sg<8> or not? Thanks
Official Q&A: VRC 2018-2019: Turning Point
248: Interpreting <SG8>
The full text of <SG8> reads as follows:
<SG8> Keep Game Objects in the field. Though it is expected that some Game Objects may unintentionally leave the field during Match play, Teams may not intentionally or strategically remove Game Objects from the field.
a. Balls that leave the field during regular Match play, accidentally or intentionally, will not be returned to the field.
b. Caps that leave the field during regular Match play will be returned to the nearest foam tile, Low Scored for the opposite Alliance color of the last Robot to contact it. If a referee cannot determine which Robot was the last to contact the Cap, then the Cap will not be returned to the field.
An intent of this rule is to prevent Robots from “knocking” Caps out of the field to remove them from Posts. Any strategic, intentional, or repeated removal of Game Objects from the field would be considered a violation of this rule.
Minor violations of this rule that do not affect the Match will result in a warning. Match Affecting offenses will result in a Disqualification. Teams that receive multiple warnings may also receive a Disqualification at the Head Referee's discretion.
"Strategic, intentional, or repeated" is the key phrase to bear in mind. It is up to the Head Referee to determine if the way in which the Caps were removed from the field was intentional or strategic. Similarly, the exact definition of "repeated" will also be at Head Referee discretion, depending on the context of the Match and the event.
Generally, a Cap falling outside of the field due to defensive interactions would be protected by <G11>, although it is impossible to issue a blanket ruling that would cover all possible scenarios.
<G11> You can’t force an opponent into a penalty. Intentional strategies that cause an opponent to violate a rule are not permitted, and will not result in an infraction on the opposing Alliance.