In a recent tournament, an opposing robot shot a ball at a flag. When the ball richocheted off of the flag, it bounced into our robot into a place on the robot where it couldn't be dislogged. There was also another ball in the robot in a place where it couldn't be dislogged, as well as one more ball in the our robot's intake system or shooter. The referee warned our robot that it was over the possession limit and because the team didn't immediately fire the one ball out of their shooter, the referee made the decision to disqualify them from the match. They didn't get the win points for the match but their teammate did.
My interpretation of Rule G11 is that the other team forced our robot into a "possession" penalty and therefore our team should not have been penalized. The other team did not do this intentionally, so therefore they should not have been penalized either. Here is the exact wording of the rule. <G11> You can’t force an opponent into a penalty. Intentional strategies that cause an opponent to violate a rule are not permitted, and will not result in an infraction on the opposing Alliance. Minor violations of this rule that do not affect the Match will result in a warning. Match Affecting offenses will result in a Disqualification. Teams that receive multiple warnings may also receive a Disqualification at the Head Referee's discretion.
Please clarify whether my interpretation of the rule is correct.