It seems that rule <G12> normally protects against other teams using deliberately defensive strategies, like a ground based bot using a <18" tall forklift/spatula to flip/tip bots off of the top platform. Under Note 1 of <G12>, Robots "Attempting" to utilize the Center Platform waive this right, unless they are "Alliance Parked" (Note 2).
Can teams design intentionally destructive/defensive/entangling subsystems for use against opponents or to aid teammates who are Center Parked?
If a robot is attempting to utilize the center platform but still has a single wheel, or even a single wire contacting the alliance platform, is it protected under "Note 2" of <G12> until they stop touching their own alliance platform?
Can Blue team tip a Red robot that is Center Parked onto the other Red robot that is "Alliance parked"?
Can a Blue Alliance Parked robot grapple and secure a Blue robot that is Center Parked, making it harder to push the Center Parked robot off of the center platform?
Can a Blue robot driving on the foam tiles use a cap to ram a Red robot that is Center Parked off of the center platform?
Can a robot grab and tug on the wires or VexNet Key of a Center Parked Opponent?
And now some possible rule clarification suggestions:
Could Note 1 be amended to only waive the protection offered by <g12> from robots that are either Alliance Parked or Center Parked? This way more destructive, momentum based interactions can be avoided, unless that is something that is encouraged.
Can Note 2 be extended to only cover Alliance Parked robots that have their motion subsystem touching the Alliance Platform. This way robots can't incorporate ideas to technically seek protection under Note 2, while being mostly or almost completely positioned on the center platform.