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Official Q&A: VRC 2018-2019: Turning Point

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183: Clarification on Low Scored Cap


Low Scored – A Cap status. A Cap is Low Scored when a Cap’s Core is touching the foam field tiles, white tape lines, or Platforms, without touching a Robot of the color Alliance for which the Cap would award points. Points for a Low Scored Cap are awarded to the Alliance color that is facing “up” when the Core half on its opposite side is touching the foam field tiles, white tape lines, or Platform.

In the definition for a "Low Scored Cap" where is says "..without touching a Robot of the color Alliance for which the Cap would award points.", is it saying "without the Cap touching a Robot of the color Alliance" or "without the Cap's Core touching a Robot of the color Alliance"?

I've been to competitions where they didn't score the cap of the same color if you were touching the Cap at all and other competitions where they seemed to ignore that portion of the definition entirely.


Answered by Game Design Committee

The intent was for the Robot contact portion of this definition to refer to the entire Cap, not just the Core. It could also be written as the following, similar to the verbiage in the definition of High Scored:

A Cap is Low Scored when a Cap’s Core is touching the foam field tiles, white tape lines, or Platforms, and the Cap is not touching a Robot of the color Alliance for which the Cap would award points.

This is also how it is presented in the Referee Training videos, as seen here:

Thank you for pointing out this grammatical inconsistency, and we apologize for any confusion this may have caused. As noted in <G19>, the Q&A is considered an extension of the Game Manual and includes the correct and official interpretation of the Game Manual for ambiguous cases. This answer should serve as an amendment to the definition of Low Scored, and will be included in the April 5th, 2019 Game Manual update for VEX Worlds.