Robotics Education & Competition Foundation
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Official Q&A: VRC 2018-2019: Turning Point

Usage Guidelines All Questions

162: Decoration question


Rule: <R8> Teams may add non-functional decorations, provided that they do not affect the robot performance in any significant way or affect the outcome of the match. These decorations must be in the spirit of the competition. Inspectors will have final say in what is considered “non-functional”.

Situation - We have had a small keychain flux capacitor (1.75" wide x 2.125" tall) attached every year for the last two years. This year we attached it at league and inspection went fine, we even asked about it. During our 3rd or 4th match for the night a parent said it's not a VEX approved part and I said it is a decoration and has been allowed every year. Parent said since it blinks (it fluxes just like in the movie) it can't be on it. We took it off and reread the above rule and we think it should be fine. My students are sad about it, it is their good luck piece. It is zip tied to our radio tower and does nothing other than blink. This is exactly what it is and what it does:

Question - Can we still use this?

Answered by Game Design Committee

On 1/25/19, this answer was revised to the following:

Unless otherwise specified, non-functional decorations are governed by the same rules as functional items with regard to safety, power, etc. Thus, they may only be powered by legal sources of electrical power as defined in <R14>. Therefore, this would not be legal. We will make sure this is more clearly explained in future versions of the game manual.