Robotics Education & Competition Foundation
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Official Q&A: VRC 2018-2019: Turning Point

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148: Clarification of 18" height on platforms


If a robot is parked on a platform and has a claw that hangs down slightly below the surface of the platform due to gravity, is it considered to be violating <SG2> which states that "Once fully outside of the expansion zone, the robot must return to a height of 18 inches"? In other words, is the rule referring to "height" or vertical displacement? For example, the height of a tree would not include the depth of its roots.

Answered by Game Design Committee

As explained in this Q&A, the 18" height described by <SG2> is determined as the Robot height when placed on a flat floor. Therefore, the claw and any other protrusions are considered part of the Robot's height and should be included in the 18" height limit.