It has been established through a couple of other Q&A's that robots of an opposing alliance may utilize the alliance platform but cannot score points for being alliance parked. What I would like further clarification on is if the waiver of protection under G12 extends to a robot occupying on an opposing alliance platform for the purpose of preventing the opposing alliance from parking. Or is this circumstance covered by rule G13, and a robot occupying an opposing alliance platform would be taking a defensive stance and the offensive robot attempting to park is given the benefit of the doubt by attempting to shove the defensive robot off their platform? Or is this an in-between case; on the center platform, rough play is expected, but if you are attempting to park on your already occupied alliance platform, you will get the benefit of the doubt but you still have to be careful?
Official Q&A: VRC 2018-2019: Turning Point
131: Robot on Opposing Alliance Platform and G12
<G12> does not mention the opposing Alliance Platform; Robots on the opposing Alliance Platform should be treated as if they were on any other foam tile on the Field.
With that in mind, a Robot which is on the opposing Alliance Platform and actively preventing an opposing Robot from Parking would be considered participating in a solely defensive strategy, as described in <G12a> and <G13>.
<G12a> VEX Robotics Competition Turning Point is intended to be an offensive game. Teams that partake in solely defensive or destructive strategies will not have the protections implied by <G12> (see <G13>). However, defensive play which does not involve destructive or illegal strategies is still within the spirit of this rule.
<G13> Offensive Robots get the “benefit of the doubt”. In the case where referees are forced to make a judgment call regarding a destructive interaction between a defensive and offensive Robot, or an interaction which results in a questionable rules violation, the referees will err on the side of the offensive Robot.