If the ports of multiple cylinders are connected to each other and the pressure in both sides of the cylinders are kept relatively similar, a cylinder can be actuated and retraced by manipulating one of the cylinders (ideally using a motor) (Image for clarification).
R19 States
<R19> Pneumatic devices may only be charged to a maximum of 100 psi. Teams may only use a maximum of two (2) legal VEX pneumatic air reservoirs on a Robot. The intent of this rule is to limit teams to the air pressure stored in two reservoir tanks, as well as the normal working air pressure contained in their pneumatic cylinders and tubing on the robot. Teams may not use other elements (e.g. surgical tubing) for the purposes of storing or generating air pressure. Teams who use cylinders and additional pneumatic tubing for no purpose other than additional storage are in violation of the spirit of this rule and will fail inspection.
And VUR10 states:
Teams may utilize commercially available pneumatic components from the following list: Cylinders, actuators, valves, gauges, storage tanks, regulators, manifolds, and solenoids. c. Pneumatic devices may only be charged to a maximum of 100 psi. i. Compressors or any other forms of “on-Robot” charging are not permitted. d. All commercial components must be rated for 100 psi or higher. Teams should be prepared to provide documentation that verifies these ratings to inspectors if requested. e. Components must not be modified from their original state as purchased from a commercial vendor, other than the following exceptions: i. Cutting pneumatic tubing or wiring to length, assembling components using preexisting threads, brackets, or fittings, or minor cosmetic labels.
I would assume that the setup (same as the image) would be illegal, as air is technically compressed if the cylinders experience resistance, but would like an official ruling.
If the max pressure (under load) is kept under 100Psi, is the setup in the image legal for VRC?
If not legal for VRC, is such a setup legal for VEXU?