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Official Q&A: VRC 2018-2019: Turning Point

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13: VEX U Expansion Outside Expansion Zone


VUG6 States: “Both Robots follow the expansion rules laid out in <SG2>.”

VUR1 States: “Teams must build two (2) Robots, subject to the following size restrictions at the start of the match:

a. Robot A must be smaller than 24” x 24” x 24”. b. Robot B must be smaller than 15” x 15” x 15”.”

SG2 States: “a. Once the Match begins, a Robot which is contacting the Expansion Zone may expand vertically with no height limit. However, once fully outside of the Expansion Zone (i.e. no longer contacting it), the Robot must return to a height limit of 18” (45.72 mm) tall.”

Does this mean Robot A may not be taller than 18” when not in contact with the expansion zone?

Is Robot B able to expand 3” vertically from its starting height while not in contact with the expansion zone?

Answered by Game Design Committee

VUG6 will be revised and clarified in the June 15th game manual update to answer this question.