If my robot is not touching the expansion zone and my robot is 18" high vertically when all wheels of the robot is on the foam tiles, would my robot still be considered 18" high when it climbs the platforms? (Example: My robot has a 4 wheel drive; 2 wheels are on the platform and 2 wheels are on the tiles, causing the robot to lean backward which results in the robot exceeding 18" adjacent to the foam tiles)
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Official Q&A: VRC 2018-2019: Turning Point
12: Clarification of The 18" Height
Answered by Game Design Committee
The 18" height requirement described by <SG2> refers to the robot height when it is placed on a flat floor (such during inspection per <R4>, or at the start of the match).
An 18" tall robot which tips slightly while climbing a Platform, as you describe, would still be legal.