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Official Q&A: VRC 2018-2019: Turning Point

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104: NZ National V5 Ban

Pascal Chesnais (Event Partner)

According to a post on VEXforum, EPs in the country voted to ban V5 from their World Qualifying National Event. Has this been sanctioned by the RECF? If so, why? This encourages regional partners to cherry pick what tournament rules to change for the sake of "level playing field".

I am perplexed by this action. We could make a similar ban of V5 at all fall events because not everyone got their shipments in time.

Or is this simply a single exception due to their national event being much earlier than all others?

Answered by Game Design Committee

The decision to disallow V5 at the New Zealand national event was made and approved in a collaboration between the Event Partners in New Zealand, the VEX office in Australia (who supports New Zealand), and the REC Foundation. It is an explicit, individual, and specific exception to the rules due to circumstances outside of the scope of this Q&A, and is not an invitation for EP's to "cherry pick" rules elsewhere.